Research Interests


According to Google Scholar, my papers have ~300 citations, with an h-index of 7.

Year Journal / Press Title Authors
2019 Nature Communications 10:4692 Modular quantum computation in a trapped ion system Kuan Zhang, Jayne Thompson, Xiang Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Jiajun Ma, Vlatko Vedral, Mile Gu and Kihwan Kim
2018 Science Bulletin 63:765 Operational effects of the UNOT gate on classical and quantum correlations Kuan Zhang, Jiajun Ma, Xiang Zhang, Jayne Thompson, Vlatko Vedral, Kihwan Kim and Mile Gu
2018 Nature Communications 9:195 Experimental quantum simulation of fermion-antifermion scattering via boson exchange in a trapped ion Xiang Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Shuaining Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, Jorge Casanova, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano and Kihwan Kim
2017 New J. Phys., 20:013008 Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Xiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Zongping Gong, H. T. Quan, Christopher Jarzynski and Kihwan Kim
2017 Phys. Rev. A, 95:020501(R) Quantum implementation of the unitary coupled cluster for simulating molecular electronic structure Yangchao Shen, Xiang Zhang, Shuaining Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, and Kihwan Kim
2016 PhD Thesis Quantum Computation and Simulation with Trapped Ions Xiang Zhang
Thesis Supervisor: Kihwan Kim
2015 Nature Communications 6, 7917 Time reversal and charge conjugation in an embedding quantum simulator Xiang Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Junhua Zhang, Jorge Casanova, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, Man-Hong Yung, Jing-Ning Zhang, and Kihwan Kim
2014 Phys. Rev. A, 89:013608 Realization of geometric landau-zener-stückelberg interferometry Junhua Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Xiang Zhang, and Kihwan Kim
2013 Scientific Reports 3, 1627 Experimental certification of random numbers via quantum contextuality Mark Um, Xiang Zhang, Junhua Zhang, Ye Wang, Shen Yangchao, D. L Deng, Lu-Ming Duan, and Kihwan Kim
2013 Phys. Rev. Lett., 110:070401 State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality with a single trapped ion Xiang Zhang, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Shuoming An, Ye Wang, Dong-ling Deng, Chao Shen, Lu-Ming Duan, and Kihwan Kim
2010 Tsinghua University Press Mathematical Theory of Computer Algebra System Xiang Zhang, Chao Li, Wei Ruan, and Long Zhang

Academic Events

Year Conference / Place City Title / Group Detail
2015 CPS Changchun, Jilin Implementation of Symmetry Operations and Quantum Field Theories with a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator Invited Talk
2015 Zhejiang University Hangzhou, Zhejiang Superconducting Quantum Circuit Group of Prof. Haohua Wang Visit
2015 Quantum Simulations Benasque, Spain Quantum Simulation of Symmetry Operations and Quantum Field Theory with a Trapped Ion System Invited Talk
2014 DAMOP Madison, Wisconsin Quantum Simulation of the Majorana Equation with a Trapped Ion  
2014 National University of Defense Technology Changsha, Hunan Quantum Contextuality and Quantum Simulation of the Majorana Equation with a Single Trapped Ion  
2013 DAMOP Quebec City, Canada State-Independent Experimental Test of Quantum Contextuality with a Single Trapped Ion Focus Talk
2012 DAMOP Orange County, California Quantum Information Processing Between Different Atomic Ions  


Year Rank Award Detail
2014 一等奖 清华之友——百度学者奖学金  
2013 特等奖 清华之友——腾讯创新奖学金 学业综合一等
2011 一等奖 清华大学科技单项奖学金  
2010 科创之星 第三届清华大学” 科创之星” 评比大赛  
2010 一等奖 清华大学科技单项奖学金  
2010 银奖 世界华人数学家大会新世界数学奖 《计算机代数系统的数学原理》
2010 金奖(最佳展示团队) 第七届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划大赛 maTHmU 科学计算引擎, 主要作者, 负责公司运营
2010 金奖 第五届首都“挑战杯”大学生创业计划大赛 maTHmU 科学计算引擎
2010 金奖 清华大学“昆山杯”大学生创业计划大赛 maTHmU 科学计算引擎
2009 科创之星 第二届清华大学” 科创之星” 评比大赛  
2009 一等奖 清华大学科技单项奖学金  
2009 特等奖(第一名) 第十一届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品大赛 计算机代数系统 maTHμ, 主要作者, 负责程序开发
2009 特等奖 第五届首都“挑战杯”大学生课外科技活动竞赛 计算机代数系统 maTHμ
2009 特等奖 第二十七届清华大学“挑战杯”大学生课外科技活动竞赛 计算机代数系统 maTHμ
2007 一等奖 清华大学” 黄奕聪伉俪” 奖学金 学业综合一等
2007 二等奖 第一届清华大学数学基础大赛